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Spittlewick's: A Witchy RPG is a magic-focused TTRPG setting and accompanying rules system. In this book, you'll find both Fenton Spittlewick's Academy of Witchcraft, a magical school setting for apprentice witches, and Witchcraft, a 2d6 rules system all about creating spells and learning magic!

Fenton Spittlewick's Academy of Witchcraft is a magical college attended by young witches still learning the basics of magic. Enter the great hall and learn which house you belong to to start attending classes at the world's finest magical school! (And don't worry: it's all-inclusive, non-segregated and there are plenty of bathrooms.) Fenton Spittlewick's Academy of Witchcraft is a lighthearted setting all about learning magic and living in the strange and fantastical world of its titular academy. In this book, you'll find a description of the Academy's six Houses, along with its facilities and staff members - there's even adventure hooks if you're looking to set an RPG here! We've even provided a personality quiz to tell you which House you belong to.

Witchcraft is a 2d6, rules-light and magic focused system designed to enable you to play as one of the witches at Spittlewick's. Combine mystical Words of Power to create new and unique spells on the fly, with the only limit being your imagination! Perfect for both oneshots and longer campaigns, Witchcraft is tailored for the Spittlewick's setting, and it even includes rules and tips for advancing through the years at the Academy and growing as students! 

Finally, to get you started we've even included a starter adventure: The Haunting of Spittlewick's! This short mystery will drop you in the Academy during the Halloween mid-term, where very strange and unusual things have started to happen. It's up to you and your fellow witches to figure out what's going on - before it's too late!

We've made all of these free to download, and following supplements will be free too. If you like Spittlewick's, consider checking out our other books or following us on social media - you can read all about it here on our website! Finally, we've included an "accessible" version of both documents - they're a little more screen-reader friendly and have been visually simplified, with a larger font size and plain black-and-white text.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Spittlewick's - A Witchy RPG.pdf 7.1 MB
The Haunting of Spittlewick’s.pdf 80 kB
[ACCESSIBLE] Spittlewick’s - A Witchy RPG.pdf 255 kB
[ACCESSIBLE] The Haunting of Spittlewick’s.pdf 113 kB


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(1 edit)

Character sheet I made for a session im running

Whoa!! This is so cool! We hope the session went well <3


It went pretty well. Better than I expected as I was pretty nervous